Monday, September 26, 2011

Nano biotechnology

"In the break room near his lab in MIT's brand-new neuroscience building, research scientist Rutledge Ellis-Behnke provides impromptu narration for a video of himself performing surgery. In the video, Ellis-Behnke makes a deep cut in the liver of a rat, intentionally slicing through a main artery­. As the liver pulses from the pressure of the rat's beating heart, blood spills from the wound. Then Ellis­-­Behnke covers the wound with a clear liquid, and the bleeding stops almost at once. Untreated, the wound would have proved fatal, but the rat lived on."

Talk about liquid bandaids!!!!  This technology is about 3-5 years away and will revolutionize surgery and especially in the military will prolong the life of our soldiers in the battle zone until they can get to the med station. Exciting

Friday, September 16, 2011

Will Apple fold without Steve Jobs?

When Steve Jobs left Apple in 1985, Jack Sculley exercised his delivery skills as leader of Apple Computers by issuing its first corporate stock dividend and expanding Apple's market. Without Jobs, Apple suffered without an innovator at the helm and produced products that were poorly marketed due to poor management. Jobs spent his time away from Apple purchasing Pixar and developing the UNIX-derived NeXTstep operating system. When Jobs came back to Apple in 1996, he set about making Apple healthy and partnering with Microsoft ending the competition between them.

 Tim Cook is known for his management skills and served well as the COO but will Apple go down hill without an innovator at the helm? Businessmen with great managerial skills tend to not have high innovative skills. Will Apple lose it's status as a disruptive innovator? Will Cook squelch the creativity Apple needs to stay healthy? This time Jobs is fighting for his life and not innovating. I don't believe there will be a comeback. What do you think?